torsdag 4. desember 2008

To Fall Or Not To Fall.

Maybe I should tell you about the time I got my scar. I have a scar on my forehead, almost shaped as a bolt of lightning - a la Harry Potter - that I got about three years ago. It happened the first time I went on a date with the love of my life. It was also the first time I met his parents.

At this time my brother was living with my now-boyfriends sister. They were an item, as you say. We were all invitet to a double birthday-party for my now-boyfriends uncle and aunt. I guess I was a bit nervous, because I drank a bit more than my body could handle (wich is not really a lot, since I am only 1,5 m and at the time 47 kg). This was embarresing enough, considering it was my first meeting with not only his parents, but also the rest of his family on his mothers side(and it is a large family).

My brother, his girlfriend and my now-boyfriend decided to bring me back to my brothers appartement after I started feeling ill. Safely (or so they thought) tucked in, they went back to the party to help clean up.

When they came back, I had vanished! The door was locked, my shoes and skirt were still there, and mu purse with all it's content was on the floor besides the bed. The only thing left of me was a pile of blod outside the window. No-one knew where I was.

Apparently I had fallen out the window. How this happened no-one knows. Maybe I fell asleep sitting in the wondow. Mayby I leaned over to much opening it. I don't know. The next thing I remember is laying in the emergency room with a cute doctor stitching me up. My memories come in flashes. So the next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed alone, craving coffee! So there I went, bloody and halv naked (with those cute hospital gowns showing everyone your rear end - hihi) throug the silent halls (this was in the middle of the night) searching for someone who could bring me coffee. Haha. I found someone in the end. She told me to go back to bed, and she would bring me my coffee and my medicine.

Funny the things you remember when you have a concussion. I did not remember my name, or what my mothers name was. But I remembered what kind of medicine i needed. And my ID-number. Fortunately (or unfortunately for them) I met a person while forced to wait for the ambulance (yes - I thought I did not need any help) who could identify me. So they got my name. This was lucky, because if they had not gotten it, there would be no way for my mother (who my brother called emediately after not finding me where he left me) to find out that I was in a hospital.

But she did, and she took the first ferry (haha) along with my uncle, and they came and brought me home. I was just happy to get out of there, but in retrospect I realize that it was probably not a good idea considering that I had a severe concussion. Luckily my mother knew how to handle the situation.

Ok. The next few days I was in a lot of pain. (Not so weird, since I fell 3-4 metres and my forehead took most of the fall!) But my mood was surprisingly good. And I remember the day my stitches were going off, I told my mother - "I hope it looks like a bolt of lightning!" And what do you know - it did! :)

So that is the story of how I got the scar in my forehead. I actually love it :) It is a constant reminder of the fact that you have to live when you are still here - don't but things on hold!

Many good things came out of this (embarresing) accident. I fell (litteraly haha) in love with the love of my life, I learned that his parents are two of the nicest people in the world, and most of all - I learned that life is short, and you never know how and when it is going to end.

So live in the moment, and don't look back at the things you did wrong, but learn from them and use them as experiences to guide yourself in the right direction during the rest of your life.


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